Tesla is reviewing almost 1.1 million vehicles in the US in light of the fact that the windows could close excessively quick and squeeze individuals' fingers.
Reports delivered by American controllers show the windows may not respond accurately in the wake of identifying a block.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk condemned the depiction as a review referring to it as "obsolete and mistaken".
The vehicle goliath says a product update will fix the issue.
The Public Roadway Traffic Wellbeing Organization says the shortcoming is a security principles infringement.
The world's biggest electric-vehicle producer has had rehashed disagreements with government security controllers, whom Mr Musk calls "the tomfoolery police".
Past reviews have been expected to:
back view cameras
hood hooks
safety belt updates
sound-framework programming
The most recent review covers every one of the four Tesla models, explicitly 2017-22 Model 3 cars and some 2020-21 Model Y SUVs (sports utility vehicles), Model S vehicles and Model X SUVs.
Tesla found the issue with the programmed windows during creation testing in August.
Proprietors will be informed by letter, from 15 November.
Organization records demonstrate vehicles made after 13 September as of now have the refreshed programming expected to cure the issue.
Tesla shares were down 3.5% on Thursday early evening time exchanging.
"The phrasing is obsolete and incorrect. This is a little over-the-air programming update. Apparently, there have been no wounds," he said.
Both NHTSA and Tesla in records unveiled on Thursday alluded to the mission as a review.
The multi-very rich person likewise called the plants in Berlin and Austin, Texas "enormous cash heaters".
Coronavirus lockdowns in China this year, remembering for Shanghai where Tesla has an enormous processing plant, have made it progressively challenging for makers to work.
As of late Mr Musk has been cautioning of occupation cuts at the firm.
It's truly similar to a monster thundering sound, which is the sound of cash ablaze," said Mr Musk, who is the electric vehicle producer's CEO.
The plants are "losing billions of dollars at this moment. There's a lot of cost and barely any result," he included a meeting with the Tesla Proprietors of Silicon Valley, an organization perceived club.
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Mr Musk said the purported gigafactories have been battling to increment creation since they were opened recently.
The meeting was recorded toward the finish of last month yet this piece of the discussion was just posted on Wednesday.
Experts in China secured some of its urban communities recently in light of a flood in Coronavirus diseases.
Extreme limitations were forced on the development of individuals and materials remembering for the monetary, assembling and transportation center of Shanghai.
Mr Musk said the closure of Shanghai was "extremely, troublesome" for Tesla, which supposedly stopped the majority of its creation at its 'gigafactory' in the city for a really long time.
The site will generally be shut in the future for about fourteen days one month from now for redesigning works, as per the Reuters news office, which refered to an interior reminder.
Last week, the organization raised the value of its entire scope of vehicles in the US by practically 5%, as the expense of unrefined components including aluminum and lithium rose.
This week, Mr Musk said Tesla intended to shed 3.5% of its worldwide labor force after prior saying that he had a "genuinely horrendous inclination" about the economy.